Monday, January 4, 2010

holiday, holly day

feel the beauty of nature,
traveling impulsively,
running away,
play hide and seek with reality

here we are..

having a great impulsive holiday with the broken-hearted.

meet the boys..
hendry, nino, and aceng.

meet my friend, Nino.
he's in love and brokenhearted at the same time.

meet Riversider, the Hotel.

meet our tiny-little yet comfortable cabin.

meet the Amazon-look-alike view from our cabin.

meet the locals,

and the sands, the sea, the waves, the wind-breeze, the sky, the beach.

when the sun is finally set,

the beach-boy made his way back home,
to reality.


blogojan said...

wah boljug nih poto2 Batu Karas nya..
apalagi blognya masih anget lagi.. hihi...


adakah informasi yang bisa saya ketahui sebelum saya mengunjungi batukaras??
terima kasih sekali sebelumnya... :)



hmm informasi seperti apa misalnya ya? dari Bandung sih sekitar 5jam. waktu itu saya berangkat stgh3 pagi nyampe batukaras jam 7 pagi. emang paling enak berangkat tengah malem, jadi bisa ngejar sunrise disana. hmm apa lagi ya? kalo soal penginapan disana banyak dan murah kok. yg recommended sih Riversider sama Java Cove. penginapannya sekitar 200-500ribuan kalo gak salah. yng murah juga banyak. kalo mau batukaras nanti bs ketemu tmn saya disana, he could help :)